Living Cost in Merida: Economic Thoughts
I took a shower with my wonderful honey-shampoo. I went downstairs and grabbed a sweet mango. And so, I made a list of things that I would need to pay for if I stayed in Merida:
247 USD rent
158 USD food
78 USD coffee (4 times a week)
78 USD personal hygiene products
This is all the bare minimum without going out, or paying for transportation from place to place… so let’s add a bit more realistic accounting:
588 USD total
59 USD transportation
150 USD flights and recreation
That gives a total of 797 USD a month for continuing with the lifestyle I currently have. Acknowledging that I am earning 0 USD at the moment, I still can pay for maybe a month more. My parents are still helping me a bit out while I find a job, that is 200 USD less to worry about. Still 500 USD in Mexico is not even the average salary for an Economics graduate *.
Fortunately enough, I am trying to get research funds from abroad. I do not need to pay for my Master’s (which would be another great expense). Fortunately, I have no major health condition to worry about which I would need to pay for. I barely dare to imagine the hardships of paying for medicine when I am not even considering dentistry and health expenses.
But if only, if only I would find the way, I would stay. I can stay with the bare minimum, cut off flights and recreation. I can share a room… or can I? Maybe I can find a job (that pays that) within a month?

Data Mexico. Org. 2021. Economistas, Consultores e Investigadores en Política Económica. OCUPACIÓN (2123) — 2021-T2.,46.1%20horas%20a%20la%20semana.