Timeline: Life Thoughts
Within the first few ideas of The Almanac of Naval Ravikant, which lecture I must highly recommend, I realized I have failed to acknowledge important achievements in my life. Not that I believe I am a high achiever, even less do I believe my personal timeline might be of interest to you. But I am currently lost on job hunting and career direction. Therefore, reading through my (a totally ordinary person’s) timeline you might find out that it is a great exercise to discover yourself.
1998, Born in Mexico City, Mexico. Parents age 26ish, low-middle class family, one older brother.
2006, Little sister was born. Family of 5.
2013, around 15, Started foreign language classes- Italian, French. Took on a Specialized-English Program for High School.
2016, 18, First trip to Canada on my own.
2017, 19, UNESCO CfP Scholarship to the US, coming back to Canada, trip to Italy, move to China.
2018, 20, First jobs (3) with agriculture, youth empowerment, education. Co-Director of UNESCO CfP 2018.
2019, 21, First time in Africa and Middle East for a Youth Conference- Ghana, Turkey. Recognition for Best International Student in China (100/80,000).
2021, 23 closer to 24, Research Trip to 14 countries -in order of visit (Italy, United States, Spain, Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France).
To the extent and the purpose of this exercise I have oversimplified what has taken me hours of thought and work. I have also failed to include some of the most important factors such as my family’s ceaseless support. But I am happy to share this with you because you can see that even when a timeline that does not include VC, CEO (yet), what is relevant to me can be impressive on its own. It at least helps me to know where I am going. So why not do it? Acknowledge your own achievements.

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